Hey Guys, I'm delighted that you found this blog! Today, I wanted to tell about what I want to achieve by next month. I have set monthly goals before as well, but never blogged about that; so this time I am making a post discussing my aims for the upcoming month. If I'll remember, I'll definitely post a blog next month, and notify you if I achieved my goals or not. So let's start right away!
If I don't clear my confusions now, I might face even bigger problems later. I definitely don't want to get stuck in Chemistry (or any other subject) in higher classes.
Aim No. 1 : Workout Daily
These days, I am feeling very motivated to exercise, and have already completed the Chloe Ting Challenge. I got insane results too! But it's a long time now (about two months) since my last "Chloe Ting Workout"; and that's why, I'm fluffy again...
So this month, I aimed to start exercising again.
But there comes a problem: I am fed-up of doing the same "Chloe Ting Workouts" everyday. I am really bored with the the background music of her videos, and wanted a new "exercise influencer" for me. So, I did some research on Youtube, and found this girl out there: Emi Wong.
I noticed that her workouts were quite different than Chloe's and were also newer for me. So, my problem is no more there! I have started her "Four Week Transform" Program a few days ago. I don't want to leave that and wish to continue exercising till next month, and get insane results once again! Wish me luck guys!
PS: If you want a "workout result" post, remind me through the comment box. After completing the "Four Week Transform" Program, I would love sharing my results with you! Let's just wait for a month!
Aim No. 2 : Complete Maths Course
My first blog was about tips on improving math skills in a month, and I myself follow many of those tips. And they have really been helpful for me, because I've completed more than 50 percent of my math school-book. It is not an achievement yet, but if I could complete the remaining course within one month, that would definitely be an achievement for me. Imagine doing 10 chapters of maths in 30 days!
Moreover, I have already promised my dad to complete my math book as soon as possible; I would prefer not to break that promise.
But is it REALLY possible to do SO MUCH WORK in SO LESS TIME?
I don't know much about the possibility, but dreaming crazy has always been a part of me!
Let's head to my second-last goal-for-the-month now:
Aim No. 3 : Be a Pro in Chemistry
Two years ago, Chemistry was one of my favourite subjects. I would understand it like a storybook. I never got a mark less than 100...
But it was two years ago! Now, I don't like Chemistry so much and there are just a couple of reasons responsible for that. Here are the excuses, I mean here are the reasons:
1. I don't quite catch those chemical reactions and much of the boring stuff related to it.
2. My chemistry book has more text and less illustrations.
The second reason is rather stupid for most of you and I would only want to clear my first problem. Although I know the basics of chemical reactions, but there is much more than that: radicals, ions, monovalent, divalent, ferrous, ferric, blah, blah, blah; and all this appears to be too boring to understand!! (share this post if you agree with me)
"When you desire to achieve something, nobody can stop you from achieving it. The only thing you need is DETERMINATION." And that's why, I am determined to improve in my "once-favourite" subject.
Well, don't mind the heading, where I wrote "Be a Pro in Chemistry" , I wrote it there because I liked the feeling of "pro"!!
Aim No. 4 : Do NOT Quit Blogging
This is my final aim for next month; I don't have to stop blogging. I started this all-new journey of blogging a month ago (in July 2020) and have been excited to write blogs since then. I have talked more about my journey of blogging in my About Page. There, I said that I started learning website-creation in June and established myself on Blogger by the next month.
I have experimented a lot (really, a LOT) with my blog, and with so much of persistence, I finally got what is called "self-satisfaction".
But I fear one thing: I get BORED EASILY. And this was the reason why I left Youtubing so early. (wanna see my once-active channel? Click on FlipTheCoin). BUT, I don't want to stop blogging EVER! And this is my aim: if I continue blogging for the next month, I'll understand that yes, I CAN do blogging forever!
The Conclusion:
Finally, I'm ending my post here. I guess you enjoyed reading it. I just thought if I could ask for a favour: Could you just share this blog with your friends so that they could also enjoy it? I know many people would just ignore this, but there are the better ones who will definitely share it, maybe on instagram, or somewhere else; because they want everyone else to enjoy reading this blog too.