How I Relax After a Long Day

Hey Guys, I'm delighted that you found this blog! Today, I'm talking about how I relax after a tiring, long day.  I am sharing what I do after my day is over, and perhaps you might get an idea for yourself as well. Ok let's start...

Last week was a busy one for me. I got tons of homeworks, projects and assignments from school. I got frustrated because I would get a new homework every single day! Seeing so much work on my head, I would lose all my energy and quit doing them.

That week ended, and yet my homework wasn't done! Actually, I would've completed my work the last week itself, but I felt too overwhelmed (I'd rather say I was procrastinating) and hence, my "tons of homeworks" was still left. (forgive me for framing such a long sentence...)

But then, I promised myself to get everything done. 

Aim: Complete Homework

So I started with the most boring subject (geography in my case) and did a portion of it.

Then I chose an easier subject (say English Grammar) and did some part of it...

...Now you would say that I am telling you some boring 'homework success story'! But it isn't that. I was simply telling you what I did everyday that week. 
Ok, I am continuing my topic; so after I would complete the 'easier' subject, I would relax for a while (here, "while" means about half an hour😜). Then I would start doing another boring subject.

So my day would be like: work-rest-work-TV-work-mobile-work...

...And finally comes the night-time. As soon as the clock would strike 9, I would close all my work no matter how much I've done; it's showtime!

In my previous blog, I had talked about my timetable, where I said that I sleep at 1 (am). So it means that after 9, I've got enough time to relax and boost my energy once again. 

How I Relax:

When my work is done for the day, my very first move is to clean my table. I clear all the mess I've made on my study desk. The only reason I clean my table is because I have to keep my laptop over there, since I will be watching Netflix. 

How I clean my table: Well, I aim at the pen stand and shoot my gel pens into it! But my shot never hits the aim, therefore, I have to become 'normal' again. Finally, I keep my pens and ruler in the pen stand, books in the shelf and bookmarks in my drawer. Now we are all set!

I'm gonna watch movie!

Then I open my laptop bag and take out the laptop. Within minutes, I connect its charger, arrange some intermission food for myself, open Netflix on the laptop and I'm ready! 

I always prefer watching animated films (like Angry Birds and Ice Age), because they are relaxing and give me a session of good laughter. I start watching the film but often have to stop it, bcoz then I need to have my dinner. After dinner, I tend to not continue the movie (bcoz I don't want to enjoy all alone). I turn my laptop off, that's when it is 11 p.m. by the clock.

My next move is to do some hobby work. I feel very calm while doing some calligraphy, sketching and writing blog content. My sketches are usually based on 'character drawing' rather than sketching a scenery. I've never done any course in Sketching, and you can easily tell this by seeing my drawings! Honestly, I'm too bad at making realistic sketches!

When I feel I've done enough sketching or writing my blog, I generally pick some course-book (not for homework this time), and read some interesting chapters (if available!). Well there are times I literally don't want to read any school-book; so at such times, I only read some "really" interesting novels and books. Often, Geronimo Stilton becomes my partner and I keep reading and reading and reading before I conclude my day.

I drink some haldi doodh (hot turmeric milk), kaadha (don't exactly know what it's called in english, but kaadha is basically an ayurvedic drink for immunity) and then sleep with a thin blanket on.

Hope you enjoyed reading this page! 

How do you spend your night? Playing games? Or something else? I would love to here in the comment section!!



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