7 Tips Which Help Me During Exams

Hey Guys, welcome back to my blog! This is the month of January, and it's almost ending. And we know the next few months are the times of exams. They're back again! For me, exams are in February end, and  like many of us, I too study just before the exams! I start preparing from a couple weeks before exam, and you know, two-three weeks aren't that long to prepare everything.

And that's what brings me to this post! Today, I'll share with you eight of my secret tips, which help me for exams. You might be well-versed with some of these tips, but probably you'll read some for the first time! Let's get started!

1. How Should You Start? 

Okay, so the first thing to prepare for exams is to get started. And it could be the hardest part! But here is a top-tip I should share: Don't start with the hardest subject, start with the most interesting one.

You are just getting started, and you don't want to fill your mind with all the things you don't like. You might procrastinate just in the beginning! Therefore while starting, choose the most interesting subject, or maybe the most interesting chapter- and start reading it. Once you get into the flow, you'll notice that you want to study other subjects as well!

2. Can Reading the Chapter Do Wonders?

We often jump to the end of the chapter to learn all the objectives and question answers. But the truth is, all the answers lie inside the chapter. If you simply read the chapter once – or twice, it would become SO MUCH EASIER when attempting the question answers.

And reading the chapters means you are reading it mindfully. What I do is to underline the most important and the hardest concepts. Once I have all the main concepts studied, I can easily go through the objectives without having to learn them!

3. Easy-fying Literature

Literature could be the easiest-or maybe the hardest part of exams. For me, I have to give literature a pretty good time (at least more than grammar). And how do I prepare it? 

Here's my way of doing it: I start with reading the chapter (of course!). But while reading, I also imagine a scene from the story, like if it's based in a house, I'll search for keywords about the house and make a rough sketch of it. In a few cases, it might go useless, but whenever asked to "describe the place this story in based on", you'll get it right!

Also, I write the story in a summary and check if all important points are there. I don't focus if my summary makes much sense to others! I simply check if it makes sense to me. That's what you need to ace the Q and As!

4. Diagrams Could Be The Key

In subjects like science and geography, diagrams play a great role. Practicing the diagrams is a great way to earn extra marks in certain topics. Let me clear it this way: Suppose a question comes to "differentiate between plant and animal cell" or "what do you mean by atmosphere". Here, drawing a rough diagram to support your answer is the best way to gain some marks. 

Even if you miss a point, the diagrams will cover 'em up! They could impress the teacher too, because not everyone is going to draw a diagram!

5. Where Rote Learning is the Only Choice..

I know, I know, we can't always "understand" an answer. Sometimes (for me, in geography and civics), we are left with nothing but mugging it all. So how do you do it? My way is to write the answers in a rough copy by copying them from my notebook. While writing itself, I get well-versed with the topic, but surely didn't learn it yet!

So after writing it once, 
the other thing I use is mnemonics- you know it already! And here's the final thing: I pick the keywords and write my answers in the form of just keywords. It's like the outline of a story. It helps so much in learning the answer! Try it!
6. Letters and Essays: It's Not Only About Creativity

Let me tell you what letters are mainly about: THE FORMAT. It's just so important, that it could give you more than half the marks of the whole question! Not missing a single comma, writing date just accurately, leaving lines at perfect places, are the things checked. So before thinking "what to write", write the format and assure you marks! 

But if you aim to score full marks, content is necessary too☺

And talking about the essays, the important parts are the introduction and conclusion. We should not start an essay right away, first make mood for it! Also, keep in mind the word limit. I don't want you to lose marks on an exceptional essay, just because you crossed the word range. I've lost them once, and I know how it feels!

7. Significance of the Paper Pattern

After telling so many tips, I finally come to the 'paper pattern tips' stuff. It REALLY has some importance! Firstly, you get to know what type of questions are coming (this was so obvious!) Then, you also get to plan how much time are you going to give per question. 

The third (and most important) thing you'll know from the paper pattern is, 'In which questions do I have a choice to leave some answers'. It is so necessary to know this thing if you don't have time to learn ALL answers. It helps to cool down too!


Hopefully these tips are gonna help you in exams. Well, I don't take the title of "Study Specialist" but I've got decent marks in my exams by following these tips. So I wanted to share them with you. I hope you got some ideas for yourself!

Well, when are your exams? Which is the most boring subject for you? Is there a subject in which you really want to score full marks? Wow! Tell me in the comments about your answers!



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  1. AWESOME Post, Gauri!! It was very enlightening and illuminating👏! Here is a similar post which I have written: https://maithworld.blogspot.com/2021/01/study-methods-to-earn-perfect-score.html

    1. Thanks for the applause Maith! I just read the post you shared, it was so engaging!

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    ~The One Who Always Talks

    1. Hi, thanks for that! Also thanks for offering me help, it means so much :)

      Well, I'm totally fine with blogger and don't feel the need to switch to wordpress. But I appreciate Wordpress and all the blogs over there.

      If I join wordpress, I'd surely connect with you. So nice of you:))

  3. Hey! I did the Liebster Award! Here it is: https://insidemiriamsmind.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/liebster-award/

    Sorry it's so late.😊

    1. Nice! I just read it, they're short, but they're perfect answers!

  4. Thank u for these wonderful tips

    1. Welcome, and congrats for posting the 150th comment on this blog!

    2. I am really delighted for being that luck person

  5. Hello there! Even I am a blogger, who joined it the last month. I am 13 year old, and when I visited your blog, it was so professional and so iriE that I envy for :) What I needed are some tips from you to help me to get professional. Here's the link to my blog:- https://tanujrathiwritings.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Tanuj! Thanks, I am so delighted with this compliment! Well, I did a post on some 'tips on blogging', and here's a link to it: https://brighteralleys.blogspot.com/2020/11/write-an-effective-blog-post.html

      If you think these are enough, then fine. Or, I can tell a few more personalised tips, just if you reply to this comment!

      I'll just check out your blog for now. Those posts are pretty interesting!

    2. Thanks very much :) you deserve much followers, for instance, I already did it

    3. You're welcome! That's so sweet of you :))

  6. Hey there!
    Really loved your tips! I have read your Class 10 ICSE notes and they are superb. I just had a request that by chance if you have notes in biology for sense organs, plz share it. I'd appreciate a lot and looking forward to it. ^-^

    Great work out there, See ya!


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