
The Biggest Achievements Of My Life

Hey Guys, I'm delighted that you found this blog! Today's post might sound quite a bit like a self-praise but trust me, it isn't that. I'm noting some of my achievements below, which were hard to accomplish. But anyways, they shouldn't be called "big achievements", they are quite small!

Trust me, what I'm calling achievements here isn't a list of certificates, awards, trophies- blah blah blah... The list is much more simpler. And there are chances that you too have achieved them! If you like, you could comment and let me know which achievements are common for me and you. Would love to read that!

Well, let's not wait anymore. Getting directly to the topic, with the list of thing I've achieved so far: 

Solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube

Until two years ago, I thought that the "true solution" for a Rubik's cube never really exists. I didn't experiment much on the internet, because I was sure of my belief. The only time I got to know that a solution really existed was in class 7 (in 2019). I saw my brother searching on YouTube "How to Solve a Rubik's Cube fast". And there were hundreds of videos for that! 

I realised how was dumb till now, and the very next day, I too searched on Google the same thing. Google suggested me a 20-minute-long video. I felt disheartened, not because I did not have 20 minutes, but because I wanted to learn it FAST. Very, very Fast!

I had seen how guys on TV solve a cube within 10 seconds, and wanted to break the Guinness World Records! 

Anyways, I trusted google and started my "Rubik's Cube Solving Class". The first day, I watched just 5 minutes of the video, because I couldn't digest it any further. Then the whole day, I practiced the moves (the man in the video called them 'righty alg').

Solving Rubik's Cube

Slowly, I progressed in learning; by the next week, I had learned how to solve a Rubik's cube! Yay! 

It was really hard in the beginning, and remembering all the move was a challenge too. And that's why I'm calling it my achievement. Now, I can flaunt in front of my friends and my bigger brother- that's the best part of it!

Got My Front Splits

This accomplishment is quite recent, just two months old. It was the lockdown period (as it is now) and I did not have a lot of work to do. I was even bored with TV, Computer, and Whatsapp (but not YouTube yet!)
One day, I was scrolling through Youtube, when I found a video titled "Do the Splits in a Month: 30-day Split Challenge" 

It was then I came to know about the famous Split Challenge. Yeah, I was late, bcoz this challenge started in 2015! Uhh! However, I still thought of giving it a try. That's bcoz if I could really get my front splits, it would be so much fun! 

And I started stretching the very next day. In the first few days, I thought that my progress was zero, and was not motivated enough. The turning point (when I gained maximum flexibility) came two weeks later. No, there wasn't any magic involved, I actually started doing Surya Namaskar along with the stretch routine.

Stretching for Splits

If you aren't aware of Surya Namaskar, it is basically a series of different postures, which you have to do without pause, until one round is complete. Those postures are beneficial not only for getting flexibility, but also for toning muscles, improving circulation and memory power. All in one!

I continued doing the stretches until 7th August, when I finally got my splits! I was super-thrilled with my achievement! No one in my friends or family could do it, but I could! I clicked a lot selfies in my splits position and  sent to my friends. They were shocked too! 

I was able to do my front splits with my right leg forward. That's what I could do till now. But today, that's 19th of October, I was able to do it with my left leg too! Today is also a mini-achievement day for me! 

Well, I discussed more about this accomplishment in this post: I did the 30 day Split Challenge. So, if you've got some time, do read it too!

I Completed The Chloe Ting Challenge

In one of my previous posts named My Goals For Next Month, I had said that long ago, I had done a Chloe Ting Challenge. Yes I did it, but only for a week. Though the results were great, I wasn't motivated, satisfied and happy with the results.

This very month (October 2020), I again dared to take that workout challenge!

Honestly, doing the Chloe Ting Challenge has been my favourite accomplishment of lockdown. I assume that the "Chloe Ting Two Week Shred" is the most-accepted workout challenge of lockdown, because every third video I find on YouTube is related to it! 

Moreover, this Chloe Ting challenge only takes two weeks, hence allowing many people to motivate themselves and do this workout. I also motivated myself (somehow) to do this challenge. 

Initially, I wasn't so motivated, but I wanted to shred off* the "lockdown-gifted" fat. So, I kept my emotions aside to start the Chloe Ting Two Week Shred again. This time, I have continued working out, and today is day 18! I have extended the workout duration because I wanted to not get chubby again.

*PS: Well, I'm just 14 and perhaps quite young to talk about losing fat. But I couldn't see myself so circular anymore. I thought it would be healthy too, so I couldn't wait from working out.

The Conclusion

I hope my achievement list was quite motivating, instead of sounding like a brag. If you have also achieved something like this (or even more), you could also tell me through the comment section. I always try my best to reply to each and every comment possible. Also, you might see some share buttons in this post, so if you liked it, share it with your besties, and with everyone else. I would be so honoured!



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